Why CheckUp Pro?
Too frequently, clients do not return for necessary follow-up testing, despite the need for such testing for monitoring chronic conditions, assessing therapy response, and changing treatment. The CheckUp Pro Line addresses the portion of your clientele who, for a variety of reasons, do not visit your office as frequently as they should for monitoring or review of treatments. This product line is not intended to replace in-clinic testing, but rather to engage and motivate those who would not have returned if they had received abnormal results.
• Help engage pet owners to be more active in their pet’s wellness
• Bridge the gap between visits from diagnosis to follow-up treatment
• Keeps pet owners engaged and involved with their pet’s wellness plan
• Allows for clean, non-invasive urine sample collection at clinic or at home
• Encourages return visits and needed follow-up testing and visits with closer monitoring by pet parents
• A tool for consistent monitoring of chronic conditions and treatment effectiveness